Home Decor

What Are Ferns? Everything you need to Know about Ferns

July 14, 2020
Ferns Plants

Do you ever visit someone’s home and wonder about the plants beautifying the ambiance? Are you someone who always thought of getting house ferns, but never really went with it because you lacked knowledge about them? Well, here is your chance to know all about Ferns.

They’re quite majestic in nature and yes, you can keep them at home, but in order to take care of them, you have to understand what exactly they are and how they function so here we go: What Are Ferns – Ferns plants to Beautify Your Home!

According to Encyclopedia Britannica Fern, (class Polypodiopsida), class of nonflowering vascular plants that possess true rootsstems, and complex leaves and that reproduce by spores.” There are 15,000 types of ferns; not all of them have been discovered yet but it is an estimated number.

When it comes to natural habitats, Ferns are extremely diverse, and yes, you can easily grow them at home by controlling a few aspects but they have to be pampered well.

Why should you have Ferns at home? Well, there are many benefits like:

Some ferns have air-purifying properties, such as Boston Ferns, it not only helps you get rid of the harmful toxins in the air but also helps you restore the humidity.

Ferns can be amazing as home decor. Potted in beautiful designer pots, or hanging pots in the balcony, they look absolutely luscious and evergreen. 

Ferns are one of the oldest living plants on Earth, they’re surely resilient and they make great houseplants; they beautify your home and breathe fresh air into the atmosphere.

Ferns plants look beautiful together so you can add some ferns to go alongside your beautiful houseplants.

How to Grow Ferns Indoors:

Moisture: Ferns are fond of moisture and they should be kept in humid conditions. Hence, tropical countries like India are perfect for growing ferns inside. You can keep damp pebbles or clay granules in their pots to give them the moisture they need.

Light: You might have seen them grow outside in shady places but this does not mean that Ferns don’t need light, keep your ferns near a window that gets the subtle morning or late afternoon sunlight; do not keep them in strong sunlight. If the light indoors is very low then your fern might grow poorly with yellowing fronds.

Soil: Ferns are known to have tender, delicate roots and they grow in forest soil enriched with leaf-mould and decayed vegetable matter.

You have to make sure that the roots are never waterlogged and the compost is rich enough for the fern. Peat compost or fibrous peat substitute with plenty of sand is the best. The soil should never dry out, water your fern every day.

Temperature: Temperature depends on the origin of the fern but most ferns do not like cold. Tropical fern’s ideal temperature would be 60-70 F (15-21 C). Ferns from more temperate regions typically require temperatures between 50-60 F (10-16 C)

Fertilizer: For ferns, fertilizer is very important. Every two to four weeks in summer is ideal; use liquid fertilizer. Be gentle, just a few drops with water for misting is enough, or else you might damage the roots.

Repotting: If the roots are filling the pot and you want to repot your fern, springtime is the best. You can always replace the old compost with new and cut off the damaged fronds for healthier growth.

Some Popular Indoor Ferns to Beautify Your Home –

Boston Fern



Kangaroo Paw Fern



Crocodile Fern



Maidenhair Fern



Lady Ferns



Now you are ready to grow your own fern at home, wasn’t that super easy? You can also gift one to a friend as friendship day is approaching, we have a fun blog Har Ek Dost Kamina Hota Hai – Read it here!

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