
Interesting Things To Do at Home During Lockdown

March 31, 2020

Table of Contents

How many times have you caught yourself saying the phrase ‘One Day’. ‘One Day when I get time, I will do this’. We’ve all been guilty of doing that at least once in our lifetime. The universe has finally granted our request, locked us down at home like naughty 4-year-olds, giving us ample time to tick all the ‘One Day’ things off our to-do-list. As daunting as it sounds, it is what it is. There is so much more you can do than just obsessively checking your phone, bingeing and napping. That’s only gonna put you down further in a state of frenzy. So, when life gives you lemons, you take out your bottle of tequila and make it a party to remember like a badass! Save yourself the remorse for some other day and live this lockdown like a pro. We’re gonna give you a list of Interesting things you never thought you could do at home in a lockdown. 

Though a series of unfortunate events has led us in this lockdown, take it as a blessing in disguise. Here are some interesting things you can do at home during your lockdown phase.

1. Be A Social Butterfly –  On The Phone

There are at least a half dozen people that you need to call up. Now is the time. Not just friends but the elders in your family that are always wanting to hear from you. That close buddy who moved abroad, call him/her. Your ex-office colleagues you couldn’t keep in touch with, call them all. Like you, they too have all the time in the world. Breathe life into your old dying relationships which you forget in the daily hassles of urban life. 


2. Do A Makeover – For Your Home

More than you it’s your home that needs a total makeover. And now that we’re in full lockdown, this is the perfect opportunity to do so: Take down the old curtains, bedsheet, sofa covers and pillow covers. Move the furniture for a new look. Try all the possible combinations and turn your home into a new and fresh breathing space. Not only will you get a newly styled home but you’re also gonna burn hell lotta calories, my love!


3. Start an online book club 

Decide the genre of books you want to explore and hit the inbox of like-minded friends. Viola, you have yourself a book club. Video call them for hours of enjoyment and productive discussions that will feed your brain. If you have a bottle of wine handy, now is the time to take it out, honey!


Pro tip 101 – Set ground rules so you don’t end up in arguments.

4. Exercise You’re Not a Vegetable

We all want a fitter body. Now is the time to grab it. With nothing left to do, you can follow an exercise routine: Pilates, Yoga, CrossFit, Aerobics, so many options you can explore from. No more excuses, do it now! Get set for the post lockdown vacations with a body that’s enffin hot!


5. Get Hands-on Your Finances

Coronavirus has not only had an impact on your daily life, but it has also impacted the world economy. Now is the time to jot down all the investments made by you to decide the Plan of Action for the coming months. Consult your financial advisor, talk to someone experienced to sort this mess out. So, when you come out of the lockdown, you have little to worry about. 

6. Feed Your Soul

Like your stomach, your soul to needs something to feed on. Read a new book, learn a new language, upgrade your skillset. Do those things that would benefit you in the long run.


7. Work On Your Dream Project 

Apart from the jobs we do, we have a dream project in mind. Now is the time to work on it. Prepare that presentation you’ve had in your mind. This lockdown is a blessing you asked for.


We hope we gave you something worthwhile to do in this lockdown phase. Go ahead and check more such blogs on our site. If some of you have children and are finding it difficult to keep them engaged you should definitely go ahead and read our blog on ‘How To Keep Children Engaged During A Lockdown’.


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